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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hello! We're here!

Hey, it's been a while since we sent you a little note on here.  Let's catch up a little!  We do have a new blogger, name's Andy, and I am pleased to meet ya!

Gh Companies are all plugging along and doing what we can for our customers new and old and we're also working on developing some offerings in the digital world.  Yes, we now have the ability to do audio and video for radio, television and if your're not familiar with it....this thing called YouTube which is on the Internet.  It's kind of a big deal.  I'll show you what I mean.

Dan McKinnon is the founder of the company and we recently sat down with him to learn a little about him and what it took to found and continue a company like our for all these years.

Brent McKinnon took over 6 years ago as the head of the company and we had a chat with him as well.

What did we talk to them for?  Well it's like this.  Not only can we see the passion from both guys about the company, the people in it, and what it took to get here....bumps in the road and all but we can see their humble approach to success and family.  They stepped forward to tell their story and share what Gh Imaging really is....and that's an extension of their family!  We all feel it here and who better to start with than the head honchos.  See if you can spot the similarities and differences on the generations.

Great video's and all, but how do they benefit you?  Imagine this.  You have a choice between a yellow page ad which lists the same 5 services you offer as the guy down the street who does what you do, you can put a billboard up for a month and hope your company culture comes through in the "6 words or less" parameter you're supposed to employ with a billboard or, you can have a lasting video where "John Q Public" gets to know you!  John Q learns a little about who you are and what makes you tick and where your true pride resides, in your product, your people and your company.  Now, imagine your video being shared among your family and friends on social media!  The average Facebook friend list is at about 338 friends one share, could net you 388 new views from one share and new people familiar with you and your company!  Best part is, it's out there and yours to keep.  It's not coming down at the end of the month and it's not tucked away in a drawer like a phone book.  You can add it to your website, you can play it at parties, you can stop random strangers on the street and say "Hey Look!  I'm on YouTube!"  (You probably won't go that far, but we will if we're showing you off.)

We're happy to help you craft a video like this, We're keeping it purposely cost efficient compared to the reach you can get from such a powerful tool!

Look forward to talking to you again soon.  Andy

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